Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Dreams And Talents Given Away For A Greater Cause: "Freedom"


Is your "Freedom" important to you?
What is the price that you would put on freedom? What is the price that you would put on your dreams and talents? If you signed away your life for a greater cause, what are the things that you wish to do after you have accomplished what most would not even do? I ask these questions for one simple reason. I want to be able to spend the rest of my life giving my children what they dream of without being hindered from doing so. If I cant have that, then give me the means of enjoying the life that I have with them. I can't find a job that I "want" to find and I am only getting payed what the Va believes my talents and dreams were worth "not much". The overall quality of my life has been hindered, capped, and I want to get the word out there that I am not the only one. I am just one Marine that is not getting what I deserve and I am not the only Marine dad that cant give his child the life she deserves. This message is about awareness. I wrote this in hope that someday someone will see and continue to post this blog giving the once great nation not only the chance to help but to become aware of the importance of our service members and my fellow Marines.

Dreams And Talents Given Away For A Greater Cause: "After"


After my time in Service, I've gained 160 pounds. I have been in wheel chairs off and on since 2009. Both legs and toes needed reconstructions. I have had 8 Major surgeries in my life and have 2 more coming up. The Va has stonewalled me on my efforts to get the income I need, not just to survive but to live; enjoying the experiences I am missing because of these problems. The legs are the Major parts of most peoples lives. Percentage wise, The Va in a way show that they believe legs are minor at only 10 percent each compared to other problems a person can have. I want to ask, how can people put a price on my Dreams and Talents? How does this pain and life altering problem seem so irrelevant and meager compared to a shoulder injury or head injury? My career is gone, basketball is gone, wrestling is gone, and even my dancing skills are hurting. Dancing is actually the only things I haven't fully lost. I try to enjoy life with my kid and my girlfriend. I have tried to go dancing and even tried to at least enjoy events out and about. I still have the ability to dance very slowly but my legs pop out and hurt all the time. Its painful to do the things I love. What the wheel chair has taken away from me doesn't compare to what It's taken away from my child and children to come. Imagine all the things you do with your children, activities, sports, and fun swept away from you. My freedom Is gone.

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Dreams And Talents Given Away For A Greater Cause: "Before"


I am a Marine and had a life before the service. I enjoyed my music and dancing. Many years have I molded my dance skills and basketball skills. I wrestled, played football, and love a daily game of Hacky Sack. I spent many nights at bars teaching Two Step, Line Dances, and Salsa. Even in Iraq, I played basketball at the gym that was available every night for hours. Running was my go to when I was mad, sad, confused, and energetic. Running and workouts were done religiously. These were my loves and the things I had wished to share with my kids. My gifts and experiences were given and taken away all in one day.

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